Pip Woodward

I am currently Deputy Principal at Ōtūmoetai College, where I have been for the last twelve years.  Prior to this I was employed by the University of Auckland as the National Coordinator for the Ministry of Education Professional Learning contract on “Whole School Wellbeing – Mental Health Education, a contact I was involved in for seven years.  My teaching background is in Secondary Health and Physical Education and have taught it a variety of schools from a private girls school in the Hawkes Bay to a large co-ed school in Auckland. 

I am a strong advocate for promoting mental health in schools and committed to building strong  resilient learning communities.  We need to place a great deal more importance in the role of prevention in our education system, putting peoples wellbeing and resilience first – appreciating the strengths that exist and collectively creating learning places where everyone flourishes.  I am energised by possibility and the potential for innovation and boundary pushing and  the power of creating coaching cultures in school that acknowledges and supports the developmental diversity of  all adults.

Email Address: pwoodward@otc.school.nz